
XP & Agile & Innovation, How???

Jason Bodie

Let's define "innovation" for the conversation
    - Internal team/process upgrades and experimentation
    - Tech debt, Framework changes ,etc.
    - Process improvements
    - new idea creation and implementation
    - Unstructured time

    - Budgetary

Encouraging action after a retrospective #3

Encouraging action after a retrospective #3

The Agile Mind

By Sage @wisevehicle

Encouraging action after the retrospective #2

Encouraging action after the retrospective #2

Encouraging action after retrospectives #1

Encouraging action after retrospectives #1

Culture refactoring


Phoning it in since 2010

Good people are made, not bought.


Phoning it in since 2010

Let's Play Oracles!

Troy Frever

Convincing others that change/improvement is possible

Host: Kim Wallmark

Prioritization Between Teams

Avoiding Orthodoxy

Session Host: Moss Collum

- Avoiding rule-bound-ness
- How to recognize habits that are no longer needed?
- Helping teams notice constraints, look to principles
- Measuring value of practices
- Consistency vs. Orthodoxy
- "It might be hard because you're doing it wrong."
- Team driven (BUT, team often doesn't know the best direction)
- Team priorities vs. organizational priorities (BUT, change can't be imposed from above)
- Agile at the organizational level: recognizing the individuality of teams
- Decentralization
- Importance of external feedback mechanisms
- But standardization from above can also create huge benefits
- Management as a team
- "Red Robin's experiment with radical transparency"

XP : It's Easier Than You Think

Session Host: David Bernstein

Clarifying Degrees of Freedom for Change

By Alan Sebring

Fwd: Agile interviews

Notes from the culture fit part of this session only.

AONW 2014 Opening

AONW 2014 Opening
